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Tatty Teddy 4eva


How to care for a guinea pig

Guinea pigs need to be well looked after or they might get ill here are some tips on how to look after your guinea pig


Guinea pigs, if you train them enough can learn some really cool tricks and after alot of practice they will love impressing you with their tricks! There are lots of things you can teach then to do but a very simple one is this: your guinea pig has to be quite active and lively to do this and its best if you teach it to them when they are young. First you get a bit of food. Next you dangle it above their heads, it might take a while to do but eventually they will smell the food and lift their head up. Let them have a small nibble of the food and then put it up abit higher. The guinea pig might just move its head away or it might stand up! It takes quite alot of practice to get it right but it can if you try hard enough! Another trick you can do is Circle but i dont really know much about that one but there is a video of it on the videos page. It gives you instructions there! Good luck training your guinea pig! Sorry about that video not being there just check on youtube if you want to see it!


Feeding is very important because if guinea pigs dont get the right vitamins they need then they might not grow properly.
DONT give them cheap brand food that you have never heard of or shop own brand food, unless it is tescos because mmy guinea pigs have that and it is very good for them! make sure you check for any small print on the bag and check that it says
it has good stuff in it.


Guinea pigs, although it may not seem it, love to play! some guineas like to play more than others but all guinea pigs like to have somthing fun to do when your away! For some guinea pigs they just like eating but thats normally only adults. When they are young they are more likely to play with objects such as tunnels are great fun for them you coud just use an old toilet play roll (the cardboard bit in the middle) and some guineas like to play with balls, ropes and pulleys these you can buy in pet stores. Some just will quite happily make their own entertinment! with hiding spots or with you!

Quality time

Sometimes guinea pigs dont really feel like playing or eating or sleeping, sometimes they just want to cuddle with you and spend some time together. if your guinea pig is rather peaceful and quiet then perhaps just snuggling in your lap or being fed some treats is the best way for quality time, however if your guinea pig is like Casper then mabye you might need to do more.... when i get home from school i take Casper out of his cage, give him a little drink and take him into the garden ( if you dont have a garden or your garden is a tip then this might not work) anyway i put Casper down on the grass and let him run freely i put a tunnel in with him so he can have somthing to hide in. Most guinea pigs love to be outside but some do like it but they go and hide in the bushes which means they want to go inside. When Casper gets tired i take him back and we both get a drink and then Casper gets his dinner and when i come to bed he falls asleep which is lovely ( normally he keeps me awake all night but when he is tired its a differant story!)    

fun fun fun